Here are some of our most frequently asked questions.

If you have anything else you would like to ask please don’t hesitate to contact us.


How long should my roof last?

On average in Cornwall Wheat reed will last between 15 and 20 years. Water reed will last between 25 and 30 years. This is all dependant on the quality of thatching the material,the pitch of the roof and where it is located. E.g. A flat pitched roof in a valley wont last as long as a steeply pitched roof with plenty of air circulation.

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Is thatching a dying trade?

We are asked this question often, and no thatching is not a dying trade, with over 1500 thatchers nation wide it is still a very popular trade to enter into, but training is very long and hard which puts a lot of people off. I will say it is well worth the effort.

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Is there a risk of fire?

Of course there is always a risk of fire, but there are lots of precautions you can take. For instance, you can install heat sensors inside your chimneys and loft spaces, your roof can be sprayed with a fire-proof retardant and you should have your chimneys swept regulary.

Most of these are a must when insuring your roof but others such as the spraying are up to you – but can bring your insurance down considerably.

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